We had an EGGCELLENT April in the community! Of course, there was egg dying and Easter festivities, and we so enjoyed celebrating with everyone. We also had fun singing and dancing to music, painting together, and baking cookies. And did I mention massages? What a great month.

We also had the opportunity to celebrate some very special Arbor Springs individuals. For Doctor Day, we honored our amazing Dr. Angel. We are so grateful for him and his devotion to us when we need it most. Also, Sarah Stanisz was highlighted in the IHCA Member Spotlight and her 18th work anniversary with Arbor was in April as well. Way to go, Sarah! Both Sarah and Dr. Angel are essential and irreplaceable members of our family.

Finally, be sure to make plans for Mother’s Day this month. More on that below…

Happy Birthday to Our Residents!

Ruth – May 8th Tom C. – May 20th
Peggy – May 9th

Staff Birthdays!

Devin – May 4th Ida – May 21st
San San – May 9th  Darrika – May 21st
KJ – May 12th James – May 25th
Edwin – May 18th Mae – May 26th
Sarah – May 20th
Louise D – May 29th

“All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”

– Abraham Lincoln

Adopt A New Friend

We foster cats through the Hope Animal Rescue.

Please visit the Hope Animal Rescue website for more info.

Support For Families

Fair weather is coming soon – We are more than happy to help you open the doors to the courtyards for visits. Remember to take a jacket, blanket and hat for your community member and find a sunny spot! It’s important to stay safe while taking in all nature has to offer.

Disposable nametags are available in the front entry, and at the reception desk – Nametags are a cognitive ramp for everyone, including those living with dementia. Write large and clearly for the most benefit. Thank you for working on this the past couple of months, everyone. You make a difference.

Consider leaving a compliment or thank you for staff with a “Staff Shout-Out” on the front bulletin board  – The form and pens are provided. Share positive feedback on the things you appreciate.


Ways To Celebrate Mother’s Day…

With Mother’s Day around the corner, we thought we’d give you a few ideas on how you can celebrate these special ladies in our lives!

Remember, if you are doing something with your loved one, always be mindful of their energy and capacity, and always ask if they are willing to join you for the activity. Once you get started, try to incorporate some of our great Montessori techniques into what you’re doing. Our staff is here to help you and your loved one engage with the community and your surroundings.

A few easy tips for activities: Take it slow and match your speed to your loved one’s. Offer choice whenever possible. Also, be sure to visually and physically demonstrate more and talk less.

  • Make Mom Something Tasty – Whether it’s her favorite dish or a healthy meal, cooking or baking for your mom is a great way to let her know how much she means to you. Even better, make something with her. Ask our staff, or look at some of our previous newsletters to see how you can infuse the Montessori Method into your cooking or baking.
  • Make a Mother’s Day Card – If being in the kitchen isn’t your thing, go ahead and make the mom in your life a fun card. It doesn’t have to be fancy (but it totally can be!). Just get some craft supplies and go for it. When doing your crafts, be sure to set everything up ahead of time and lay out simple and easily achievable steps.
  • Celebrate – If you don’t have the time to prepare anything, that’s okay! Simply treat your mom to some singing and dancing here at Arbor Springs. It’s fun, relaxing, and great for everyone’s health. Getting up and moving is something we are all about!

What We’re Doing

We had great activities this month, and we’d like to thank everyone who made an extra effort to get up there and dance, sing, indoor-garden or do any activity. We know it can be hard sometimes, so we are proud that you all work so hard to stay active and engaged!

Resident Engagement Highlights:

  • Mother’s Day Spa
  • Shopping for Spring Flowers
  • Exercise to 60’s Music with Peggy
  • Gold Star Military Museum Outing
  • Tom’s Pizza Party in the Café
  • Spring Cleaning: Closet Clean Out, Closet Organizing, and Hallway ‘Sale’
  • Botanical Garden Outing
  • Memorial Day Activity Cart
  • Potting Herbs with Botanical Garden
  • Music & Massage with Jeanne
  • Piano Music with Helene

Notice On The Calendar:

The Montessori Focus is to help staff and residents work on activities of daily living together. Residents thrive when able to assist in caring for themselves and others.

What We’ve Been Up To!