Family Education / Family Support
Family Education / Family Support
Arbor Springs hosts regular family forums to provide education on issues related to dementia, caregiving, hospice, and other relevant topics. Invitations are sent to family members of current residents at Arbor Springs.

Family Support
Arbor Springs is happy to offer two support groups for caregivers. The purpose of these groups is to meet regularly to discuss issues relating to your loved one’s dementia. They provide education as well as provide emotional and social support.
Arbor Care is a group targeted to the spouses/partners of those currently residing at Arbor Springs. It is not open to the outside community. It meets the 4th Thursday of every month from 12:00-1:00pm in the Community Room at Arbor Springs.
The Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group meets next door at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church. This group is facilitated by Sarah Stanisz and Seth Reeves and is open to anyone in the Greater Des Moines area. It meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 5:30pm.