May…may be one of our favorite months! And we will be sure to make the most of this last full month of Spring. That’s why we’re so excited for all that’s going on in the month of May.

Cinco de Mayo is always so much fun, and we’ve even got the Kentucky Derby coming up. But our favorite has to be Mother’s Day. We have so many moms to be thankful for and to celebrate. Much love to all the moms!

However, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, we had a whole lot to celebrate in April. First, of course, Easter was a blast. There was much fun to be had making Bunny Garlands and Easter Bonnets. Thank you, everyone, for making this day special.

We also had some little visitors stop by for Bring Your Child to Work Day. Speaking of visitors, we had another wonderful visit from a furry friend for National Pet Day. Brownie is such a cutie, and we owe a big shout-out to Hope Animal Rescue of Iowa. We love you all!

April was also educational. Dr. Angel came to speak with us and share some fantastic information on Big Transitions. We also celebrated him on National Doctor Day at the end of March.

Happy Birthday to Our Residents

 Gene A. – May 5th Don C. – May 9th
Ruth E. – May 8th Bob C. – May 15th
Joyce V. – May 9th Tom C. – May 20th
Peggy H. – May 9th Patti T. – May 29th

Staff Birthdays

Devin – May 4th Ida – May 21st
Rebaca – May 5th James – May 25th
Tiah – May 10th Mae – May 26th
Edwin – May 18th

Work Anniversaries

Carpenter – May 5th (2 years) Ashley – May 10th (5 years)
Edith – May 5th (2 years) Princess – May 20th (1 year)
Liza – May 6th (1 year) Gabriel – May 31st (1 year)
Marie C. – May 9th (1 year)

The spring rain.
Talking and passing
The straw raincape and umbrella.
-Yosa Buson

Adopt A New Friend

We foster cats through the Hope Animal Rescue.

Please visit the Hope Animal Rescue website for more info.

Ask For My Opinion…

Now that Spring is in full bloom, we asked some of our community members what their favorite thing about the season is –

“Watching the activity of the wildlife.”

Bob C.


Maxine C.

“St. Patrick’s Day”

Dan P.

“The Gardens”

Patti T.

“That it’s going to be nice.”

Shirley A.

“A Vanilla”

Michele L.

“The warm weather.”

Bea P.

“Spring is what I like about Spring! The beautiful green and the birds.”

Joyce V.

“Watching the corn grow.”

Dale B.

“Love is in the air.”

Charlie C.

“The new growth coming out. The flowers.”


A Helpful Activity For You To Do in Spring!

We all love a good massage. But sometimes, we actually need one that doesn’t require a professional massage therapist. See the below handout for a helping hand massage…

What We’re Doing

Can’t wait to see you all at our events and activities this month! We’ve been doing such a great job making Montessori part of our everyday lives, and wow, has it made an impact. Keep it up and let’s make the most of the rest of Spring!

Resident Engagement Highlights:

  • May Day Craft
  • Cinco de Mayo
  • Butterfly Craft in Café
  • Mother’s Day Art in Café
  • Wizard of Oz Scavenger Hunt on Main Street
  • Corn Shucking in Maple
  • Golfing on Main Street
  • Wine and Cheese in Courtyard
  • Fly Fest: Paper Airplane Craft in Café
  • Arbor Cinema: Remembering Bob Hope

Montessori Inspired Lifestyle© Pledge

I will work to create a place where I would want to live.
I will remember that I am a guest in the home of my residents.
I will treat everyone I meet with respect, dignity, and equality.
I will remember that I must earn the trust of my residents and that they must learn to trust me.
I will apply the Montessori principles in everything that I do.
I will treat everyone I meet the way I wish to be treated.

What We’ve Been Up To!