Spring is just around the corner! We can’t wait for spring to…well…spring! This month brings the first day of the new season, and we look forward to new beginnings with more ways to grow together as a community.
But let’s not get to far ahead of ourselves. We had a lot of fun in February too! We were all very festive and joined together in spreading the love for Valentine’s Day. We are so lucky to have such a beautiful community that genuinely cares for each other — much love to everyone. And even more romantic, Pete and Mary Cornell celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary! They had a private dinner to celebrate. Love was indeed in the air this February at Arbor Springs.
We also had wonderful visits from the 4-H Club and the always terrific Betsy from West Des Moines Public Library. Finally, Evelyn, one of our amazing CNAs, won her second Shout-Out drawing! Shout-Outs are collected from residents, families, and teammates when one of our staff does something worthy of a shout-out. We then do a drawing. Seems like Evelyn’s been extra awesome recently! Thanks, Evelyn.
Happy Birthday to Our Residents
Jenna – March 5th (71 yrs old) | Melody – March 10th (65 yrs old) |
Staff Birthdays
Rachel – March 4th | Liza – March 20th |
Sam – March 5th | Carrie – March 21st |
Darci – March 6th | Carpenter – March 23rd |
Mica – March 10th | Mankapue – March 25th |
Lisa – March 18th | Marie – March 31st |
Work Anniversaries
Lucretia – 3/17/22 (one year) | Stephen – 3/16/22 (one year) |
The spring rain.
Talking and passing
the straw rain-cape and umbrella.
– Yosa Buson
Adopt A New Friend
We foster cats through the Hope Animal Rescue.

Please visit the Hope Animal Rescue website for more info.
Montessori Thought of the Month
“Why Montessori?” The Montessori approach is an effective way to empower older adults to live a life with dignity, respect, choice, meaning, and purpose. We all want to live a life with meaning and purpose and to have control over what happens to us and when it happens. The Montessori way of life is good for all of us.
What is something in your life that is very important to have choices about?
What is something our friends with dementia do not have a lot of choice about?

Did you Know?
• We have resources available to you in the family room. Help yourself!
• We have Activity Corners in each hallway! Take something to do with your loved one and return when you are done!
What We’re Doing
With spring just around the corner, we’ve got a lot going on. Be sure to keep an eye on the calendar and join us for all of our fun community activities. We’d love to see you soon!
Resident Engagement Highlights:
- Banana Cream Pie in Café
- Make Your Own Sock Monkey in Café
- Scenic Drive: Downtown
- Luck of the Irish Bingo in Café
- St. Patrick’s Day Party in Café
- Trivia in Neighborhoods
- Making Bird Feeders – D/E Courtyard
- Brookview 1st Graders Visit
- Scenic Drive: The Arboretum
- Picnic in A/B Courtyard
- Mock-tails in Cafée
Montessori Inspired Lifestyle© Pledge
I will work to create a place where I would want to live.
I will remember that I am a guest in the home of my residents.
I will treat everyone I meet with respect, dignity, and equality.
I will remember that I must earn the trust of my residents and that they must learn to trust me.
I will apply the Montessori principles in everything that I do.
I will treat everyone I meet the way I wish to be treated.