Thank You To All Our Heroes!
We would like to thank everyone for their support and cooperation as we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Even with our challenges, we still had a wonderful Mother’s Day celebrating with all our mothers and friends! Some wonderful Cub Scouts decorated our front pathways and St. Croix Hospice painted our resident windows to help out as well. Last month, we honored our nurses for National Nurses Week and we celebrated National Skilled Nursing Care Week by having a special lunch for staff. Everyone got a cool Raygun t-shirt that says “Yup, I’m Essential” and a lottery ticket for fun! 35% of the profits from those t-shirts also go to food banks in our communities. One more big thank you to all our amazing and dedicated staff!
June is Alzheimer’s and Dementia Awareness Month. We know this issue is a personal one and it is something we take very seriously. Read on to find out more about this important cause and how to celebrate, support, and fight for Alzheimer’s and dementia treatment and research.
“The sun never quits shining. Sometimes, clouds just get in the way.”
– Unknown
Adopt A New Friend
We foster cats through the Hope Animal Rescue.

Please visit the Hope Animal Rescue website for more info.
Raise Awareness
Purple represents Alzheimer’s Disease awareness. Here are some ways to show your support this month:
- Just Wear Purple – Like Mike! One of our resident’s husband is always wearing a purple shirt and tie! Simply showing your support is a great way to spread the message.
- Purple Ribbons – Make or wear purple ribbons. Get a little creative. Nothing wrong with making one from some paper and a purple marker.
- Pick Some Purple Flowers – Brighten up your day and observe this month with some beautiful purple flowers.
What We’re Doing
We are feeling very grateful. We are grateful for our residents and their families. We are grateful for the support you have shown us in the form of patience, kindness, gifts of service, and gifts of food and other items. We are grateful to our peers for showing up to work every day and being a team. And we are grateful to our larger community for sharing their ups and downs with us as we all go through this together.
As we have been for the last couple of months, we are continuing with our limited activities. And, while we all can’t wait to return to something that looks a bit more like normal, we must prioritize the health and safety of everyone in our community.
Some Ways We Stay Active and Engaged:
- 1:1 Activities
- Singing & Dancing
- Restorative Therapy
- Art
- Reading
- Music
- Reading & Writing Letters
- Manicures, Makeovers, & Hairstyling
- Residents Taking Care of the Babies in Evergreen & Birch
And as always, we are having great conversations together!
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy are also still taking place. Please ask a staff member if you have any questions regarding this.

June is a Special Month
Alzheimer’s Association | The Longest Day – June 20th
Today is the day with the most sunlight, the summer solstice. For this reason, The Alzheimer’s Association has chosen this day to shine a light on Alzheimer’s and dementia. It is a day of remembrance, celebration, and support for those suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia, those at risk, and everyone fighting for a cure and preventive measures. Help do your part. Read more about how to donate, commemorate, and get involved at act.alz.org. And, as always be sure to modify your celebrations to stay safe!
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Awareness Month
While it is essential to show your support on June 20th, it is important to remain active and engaged with battling Alzheimer’s and dementia all month, and throughout the year. Every little bit counts.
National Best Friends Day – June 8th
This may not be a much celebrated day, or one that you even knew existed, but today is a great day to be thankful for our friends, best or otherwise. Especially now, it is an excellent time to write a letter or reach out to some old friends or even make new ones.
Father’s Day – June 21st
Last month was for the moms…now it’s time to celebrate all those amazing dads in our lives. We are all in need of some quality time with family these days. Make sure to celebrate your father anyway you can and send special wishes to all the other dads out there.
National Hydration Day – June 23rd
It may seem small, but this day has a significant message. Staying hydrated is extremely important and even more so with the great attention and focus on staying healthy. Start with the best thing you can do for your body, drink 8 glasses of water a day!
National Bingo Day – June 27th
Who doesn’t love a fun game of Bingo with friends? It’s a bit of a silly celebration, but we could all use a little extra fun. And what better way than with some Bingo!
Stay Active!
We are still coping with the changing public health measures, but with the added stress of the health crisis, it is essential to continue healthy activities in all of our lives. This is even more important if your loved one is suffering from memory loss. Here are some activities that are great for your brain that can be done without going outside. Be sure not to push yourself too hard and get as much help as you can with these activities. This may not be possible given the isolation, but do your best. The most important part is to stay active and engaged.
- Play Games – Card games and board games are great for memory. If you are isolating with someone who can help you out, try online or tablet games to pass the time.
- Start an Herb Garden – There are many indoor kits available for delivery to get you started. Begin with easier and hearty herbs like Mint, Rosemary, Sage, or Parsley.
- Workout Online – We have a few blog posts on this, but remember to keep exercising even while staying indoors. If you aren’t quite up to a full work out, try some light yoga!
- Do Arts and Crafts – Whether drawing, scrapbooking, or making collages – get creative with things around the house. Check out some of our Longest Day crafts above.
- Cook! – This is amazing for your memory. Have your loved one help you or do something simple on your own. We have had some great recipes in our previous newsletters.
A Word of Caution
Unfortunately, many people attempt to take advantage of seniors during this time. Here are some things to be on the lookout for:
Communications about receiving your stimulus check could be fraudulent. There will be no processing fee associated with these checks. You may be able to sign up for direct deposit and provide other information to get your payment faster, but this information can be found on the IRS website.
Do not give out your Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security numbers to unknown solicitors. Many scammers are asking for this information under the guise of testing.
If you are contacted regarding financial help that requires money or payment, this could be illegitimate as well.
Be aware of fraudulent websites and other communications asking for donations. Be sure you know who you are dealing with and do your research should you decide to give
If you think you have been taken advantage of, you can report it safely from your home:
Contact the National Center for Disaster Fraud Hotline at 866-720-5721 or email disaster@leo.gov
The guidelines on this page and in this newsletter are in no way all-encompassing and should not be adhered to if medical professionals or staff members inform you otherwise. We are learning more about COVID-19 every day, so be sure to stay informed at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus
Arbor Care
While we are committed to supporting our community, we know the best thing for it at the moment is for everyone to be as safe and cautious as possible. Remember that there are still many ways to connect with those who wish to support and help each other. See below for more information about how we will be handling these meetings in the coming month. Thank you all for your patience and support during this challenging time.
Arbor Care will be canceled until further notice.
The Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group will not be meeting in person. Arrangements are being made to hold this meeting virtually. Once the details are confirmed, Sarah will reach out with how to sign in and join.
The Longest Day…
June 20th will be The Longest Day of the year, the summer solstice. The Alzheimer’s Association chose this day to bring attention to the importance of Alzheimer’s and dementia care and research. This day has become an essential part of the fight against Alzheimer’s and the building of a community for those suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia, their loved ones, and caretakers.
This profoundly personal issue is at the core of our work here at Arbor Springs. Here are a few ways to observe this day and support Alzheimer’s research and treatment –
Connect with Folks via Online Conferencing Tools – Talk with those you love and others who support The Longest Day. Invite someone new and spread the word about the importance of Alzheimer’s research and care for those suffering from memory loss.
Donate – You can donate yourself or ask others to help support the cause. Reach out and share a personal story or unique connection with Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Register for a Longest Day Virtual Fundraiser – Help fight Alzheimer’s on June 20th, 2020. There are still many activities you can do in place of a sponsored walk or other outdoor activities. Check out The Longest Day website for fantastic options to continue your support from inside your home. There is also an app to help you out. Visit act.alz.org.
Spread The Word – Post images or stories on social media with #ENDALZ and #TheLongestDay. Especially while you are at home, it is a great time to take some fun photos or share your family’s story.
What We’ve Been Up To!
The Arbor Bulletin Board
We know this time is difficult. Please let us know if you are having a physical or emotional issue. There is nothing wrong with letting us know you are having a difficult time with the stress and isolation of the current situation.
We are all in this together…and we are here for you!
Please call the facility directly at 515-223-1135 with questions or concerns.
Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate Together!
Ron M. – June 20th
Marilyn A. – June 21st
Nella O. – June 24th