Keeping A Schedule For Your Loved One With Memory Loss In The Time Of Covid-19

Your loved one’s schedule has probably changed a lot with the new reality of COVID-19. While we would like to return to our usual routines once this is all over, for now, maintaining a schedule as best as possible is crucial during this difficult time. This can be especially important when your loved one [...]

Keeping A Schedule For Your Loved One With Memory Loss In The Time Of Covid-192020-07-22T22:42:02+00:00

Long-Term Care During COVID-19: Is Your Loved One Getting The Right Care?

While this time has been difficult for so many, it has especially impacted our senior community and those in long-term care. I’ve talked a lot about how COVID-19 has presented unique and challenging issues around caring for older adults and, in particular, those with memory loss. The role of caregiver can often be overwhelming, [...]

Long-Term Care During COVID-19: Is Your Loved One Getting The Right Care?2020-06-22T17:39:27+00:00

There Are More Challenges Than Just COVID-19: Take These Additional Precautions to Keep Your Loved One Safe!

During times like these, there are more challenges than just dealing with primary health and safety concerns. Whether it’s your financial or mental health, seniors and those with memory issues are even more susceptible to these dangers. Many of them have a more difficult time adapting to this new reality. Looking after a loved [...]

There Are More Challenges Than Just COVID-19: Take These Additional Precautions to Keep Your Loved One Safe!2020-06-08T20:30:54+00:00

Tips For Taking Care of Your Loved One During Social Distancing

In our last blog, we discussed the basics of what COVID-19 is, how to take simple precautions, and some information about our guidelines for staying safe, as well as the state’s response to this crisis. Now, I’d like to share some helpful tips on how to prepare yourself and your loved ones for some [...]

Tips For Taking Care of Your Loved One During Social Distancing2020-06-08T20:31:09+00:00

What You Need to Know About COVID-19

The information below represents current knowledge at the date of posting. Please continue to check for updated information during this health crisis. We are all struggling to cope with the current situation. Everyone is feeling the effects, even if COVID-19 has not directly impacted you personally. Our mission is to always support our friends, [...]

What You Need to Know About COVID-192020-06-08T20:31:30+00:00

Everyday Activities to Strengthen Memory

More Than a Game While we focused on games in our last post, I wanted to talk more about the everyday activities that can also benefit your brain and strengthen memory. Some are easy, while others are more involved, but all offer excellent opportunities to stay mentally fit.  It is essential to remember that [...]

Everyday Activities to Strengthen Memory2020-06-08T20:32:04+00:00
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